With our advanced matching feature, Match-Me Tool, patients can seamlessly find the therapist best suited to their specific needs, including condition, preferred language and therapy type.
Multiple Schedule Types
Ability to create multiple schedule types including holidays, training sessions, appointments, and more.
Flexible Appointment Management
Our user-friendly appointment scheduling enables patients to choose and book their appointment at a time and date that best suits their schedule.
Automated Confirmation Emails
Any new booking or adjustment in appointments automatically triggers personalised emails.
Customisable Patient Registration Forms & Questionnaires
Allows clients to tailor registration forms and questionnaires to suit the specific needs and contexts of their clinical practice and their patients.
Chronological Health History
By arranging sessions and notes in chronological order, this feature provides a streamlined and comprehensive view of a patient's counseling journey, allowing for easy tracking of progress and a well-organized timeline of their history.
Upload, Preview & Download Files
Patients can access, view, and download their care-related reports and letters, enhancing transparency and involvement in their treatment journey. Meanwhile, therapists and administrators can upload, manage, and retrieve these documents with ease, ensuring efficient communication and record-keeping.
Episodes of Care
Therapists can define and track distinct phases of care, enhancing therapeutic experience by providing clear milestones, and a comprehensive overview of the care journey.
Built-in invoicing simplifies the billling process for therapists and clients, enabling the generation, management and tracking of invoices with ease and accuracy.
Customisable appointments & status pricing
Ability to create multiple schedule types including holidays, training sessions, appointments, and more.
With automatic tracking of sessions and services rendered, providers can effortlessly generate invoices, monitor session details and analyse billing trends.
On-demand self-service reporting
Allows decision makers to retrieve up-to-the-minute reports on their datasets at their convenience.
One-click exportable reports
Instantly generate and export key metrics (like patient outcomes and appointments) in PDF or CSV format with a single click.
Clinical Oversight & Service Management
Harness data insights to enhance patient care. By analysing past data, identify trends and predicting pathways, providers can optimise their processes, improve care quality and achieve efficiencies.
We operate a ‘Privacy by Design’ approach by default and only implement industry-standard security protocols
Patients can be assigned a curated collection of resources such as articles, self-help guides and videos tailored to their treatment plan. They can view, download and bookmark these resources.
Add own resources
Tenancies have the ability to add their own resources to the Resources Library and make it available to their active patients.
Supervisors can add their available supervision slots using a calendar interface.
Customisable collaborative supervision forms
Streamlining supervisor-supervisee interactions allowing for tailored feedback and focused professional development.
Individual/Group supervision option
Therapists can specify whether the supervision session is intended for individual or a group. Therapists can specify whether the supervision session is intended for an individual or a group.
Supervision Reporting
Comprehensive analytics and insights into the supervision process, including customisable reports on supervision sessions, frequency, duration, focus areas.